When installing proper covingcommercial or industrial floors, an attention to detail is key to ensuring that the floor functions properly for years to come.  One detail which can often be overlooked, or implemented improperly, is the coving.  Despite often being regarded as little more than a finishing touch, proper coves are a necessity – and sometimes, a legal requirement.

What Is Coving?

Coving is the technique of installing small barriers lining the edges of a floor where it meets the wall (referred to as coves).  Coves are generally rounded 45-degree angles which slope upwards, preventing a hard 90-degree angle where floor and wall meet.

Coves serve several purposes.  Most importantly, they prevent dirt and grime from building up along the edges of the floor, and in the corners.  Without coves, these areas are extremely difficult to properly clean, and can lead to substantial hygiene issues.

covingCoves also protect the walls.  The seams between floor and wall are often weak, and it’s easier for water or other liquids to slip beneath the walls at these points.  Coves prevent water buildup and reduce the chances of seepage.

Finally, coves are aesthetically pleasing.  They give a floor a finished quality that helps improve the look and feel of a space. When trying to achieve an environment that will make an impression, coves are not to be overlooked.

When are coves required?

Companies and industry where health and hygiene procedures are heavily regulated typically require coving during floor installation and repair.  This includes pharmaceutical factories, food and beverage processing, commercial kitchens, industrial wet environments, and similar operations.

The cost of coving is minimal; and when compared to the improvement health, safety, and cleaning efficiency implications, the investment is well worth the expense. It maximizes the ROI from the entire system.

How are coves installed with resinous floor coatings?

covingOne question we often hear is how coves work, when resinous floor coatings like epoxy or polyurethane create seamless edge-to-edge surfaces?  Obviously, applying the coving on top of the floor won’t work – it would create gaps and seams, rather than eliminating them. The solution is an integral cove base.  Essentially, the coving is laid down on the concrete slab, and then the resinous layer is poured over it.  The cove is designed to stick up slightly, so that when the resin hardens, it’s properly placed.

Black Bear Has Your Flooring Solutions

Black Bear Coatings & Concrete team is a trusted partner in this niche industry.  We value-engineer commercial and industrial flooring solutions based on the environmental factors that could impact the longevity of your floor. As a result, this provides a longer-lasting product. In addition, our flawless installation ensures a timely, accurate delivery that minimizes disruption in operations and keeps the focus on your business.

Contact us directly for more information about our epoxy, urethane, polished concrete, and MMA flooring solutions. Request a free, on-site assessment to learn how Black Bear can provide a compliant, visually appealing, and durable floor for your business.